David Hawkins
David Wilson Hawkins. (b. 1983) BA Middlebury College, MFA Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. Studied at Slade School of Fine Art, New Orleans Academy of Fine Art, University of Virginia. Exhibited nationally in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Washington DC, and New York.
The thing that fascinates and perplexes me about dark field monotypes is precisely this: it is only through the removal and sustained absence of one thing that another is brought into being.
I like to make pictures and I tend to favor the land and the sky as my subject matter, though I quite like to draw hotdogs as well. When I’m making my landscape pictures I think about lots of different sorts of things: stories I know, what I’ll have for dinner, what teachers have told me, collating hues. I also think about the wonder and the boredom: about myth, utopia, dystopia, Society of the Spectacle, narcosis, the ghost of Tom O’Bedlam and the unseen, the unknown, and the felt. And Phantasos, son of Somnus. And hotdogs.