Lincoln Perry
Works on Paper
30 October – 29 November 2015
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Murals and More
11 May – 17 June 2012
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Past & Present
6 May – 6 June 2010
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The Latest Cabell Hall Murals
26 February 2009
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Three Decades
5 – 27 October 2007
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Rabbits and Fairies
1 December 2005 – 14 January 2006
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The Music of Time
5 – 29 November 2003
Cabell Hall Centennial Mural
9 September – 22 October 2000
Lincoln Perry attended Columbia University and received his MFA from Queens College. He has taught at the Universities of New Hampshire, Arkansas, and Virginia. His work has been widely exhibited in a variety of venues, including more than a dozen solo shows,and his paintings are in numerous private and public collections, including the University of Virginia and the Shell Oil Company. In addition to his work as an easel painter, Lincoln’s mural works include commissions at Cabell Hall at the University of Virginia; Lincoln Square, 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, and One Penn Plaza in Washington, D.C.; the Federal Courthouse in Tallahassee, Florida; and the Met Life Building in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the author of Lincoln Perry’s Charlottesville, a collection of his paintings of that city, and a selection of his watercolors illustrates a 2012 edition of Henry David Thoreau’s essay “October, or Autumnal Tints.” Perry’s work can also be seen in the documentary The Murals of Lincoln Perry, which has appeared on PBS. Perry lives with his wife, Ann Beattie, in Staunton, Virginia; York, Maine; and Key West, Florida.
Reviving a Legacy (5 min. synopsis)
The Murals of Lincoln Perry (56 min. film)
Ann Beattie, Lincoln Perry’s Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville and London, 2006
Joshua Bodwell, Painting a Box of Air: Lincoln Perry finds inspiration in landscapes, Art New England Online
Erin O’Hare, Our Beautiful Nest: Artist Lincoln Perry discusses the importance of figures in a setting, 2018,…
Lisa Province, Teaching Moment: Renaissance v. Title IX, 2016,